Prefix dan suffix

Prefix dan suffix
Sering kali kita merasa bingung jika niche keyword domain yg kita bidik sudah diregister orang, untuk itu banyak dari mereka menambahkan suku kata di awal (prefix) maupun akhir (suffix) nama domain tersebut.

Beberapa awalan / akhiran yg biasanya mengikuti sebuah nama keyword on domain diantaranya adalah :

- Classic suffixes:
house, central, point, home, place, garden, site, spot, park, dome, bay, web, net, cave, base, heaven, portal, world, camp, network, county, street, city, alley, depot, valley

- Other suffixes:
now, resources, tools, source, review, system, book, guide, talk, data, vision, load, box, focus, beat, voice, share, cafe, nexus, zone, sight, link, lab, insight, vine, board, flow, signs, network, wire, cast, ville, nation, egg, cove, news, today, future, fun, story, fever, coast, side, road, heat, bite, insider, club, connect

- Classic prefixes:
the, my, i, me, we, you, e, top, pro, best, super, ultra, all, cyber, simply, free, 1st

- Other prefixes:
meta, re, metro, urban, head, hit, front, techno, ever, rush, think, solo, radio, vip

- Adjectives that can be used as prefixes:
hot, smart, cool, hot, fast, fresh, sleek, first, daily, best, sharp, light, classic, fast, great, quick,

- Latin prefixes:
ubi (when), bis (twice), ad (to, towards), ambi (both), inter (between), liber (free), mono (single), poli (many), tele (distant), omni (all), exo (outside), extra (addition), hyper (over), hypo (under), intro (within), proto (first), intra (within), micro (little), macro (large), multi (many), neo (new), iso (equal), mono (one)

- Latin words that can be used both as prefix and suffix:
io (I in Italian), virtus (virtue), ego (me), vox (voice), ex (out of), ideo (idea), novo (renew), novus (novelty), pax (peace), rex (king), velox (fast), verus (true), vivo (alive), nova (new)

- Multipliers prefixes:
pico, nano, micro, milli, kilo, mega, giga, tera, peta

- Scientific prefixes:
aero, cosmo, deca, eco, geo, hex, oxy, uni, poly

- Words that work both as prefix and suffix:
media, direct, access, ez, easy, info, interactive, biz, buzz, bit, byte, up, tech, on, out, auto, pulse, x, venture, trend, life, retro, secret


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